Yoshinobitsurugi is the last of his kind–well, not exactly the last. He has a cousin–ok, two cousins, but they’re twins! So…genetically speaking they count as one? Fine, there’s another clan that’s closely related as well, and they may or may not have some 50 samurai on staff, but they live in the next valley over. Soo if you don’t count them, or the cousins, then Yoshinobitsurugi is the last of his kind! Regardless, it was no fault of Yoshi’s that his game never saw the light of the rising sun. He wasn’t even the main character, just an NPC, the last samurai (cousins notwithstanding!), coded to find an honorable death after failing to defend his ward. Yoshi failed to fail his ward, because the main character of the game disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Leaving the game unplayable and his ward unkilled.